About the Journal
The National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies, ANEPE, as part of its contribution to the intellectual and academic development in the area of "Security and Defense" and according to its mission, has the journal "Política y Estrategia", published continuously since 1976, being one of the first publications to professionally address this issue in the country and in Latin America, which is published biannually in digital format on its website www.politicayestrategia.cl.
The editorial line of the magazine "Política y Estrategia" is focused on all pertinent and relevant topics related to Security and Defense with effects at the national, regional, and global levels. These topics include related political issues, threats to peace and security, strategic thinking, cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence applied to S. and D., transformations of the international scenario and international relations, impacts of global warming on S. and D., and international law.
The journal aims to be a reference in these matters and is therefore available in the Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, Latindex Directory and Latindex Catalog: http://www.latindex. org; in the electronic information system "CLASE" (bibliographic database of journals in social sciences and humanities), under the National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM, available at http://clase.unam.mx; and in Dialnet, under the University of La Rioja, Spain, which is one of the largest bibliographic portals with free and open access, whose main purpose is to give greater visibility to Hispanic scientific literature.
greater visibility to the Hispanic scientific literature on the Internet, compiling and facilitating access through an exhaustive, interdisciplinary and updated database, which allows the deposit of full-text content: http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=22331.