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The Russia–Ukraine war began as part of the development of a hybrid war carried out by Russia through the occupation of Crimea and the Donbás in 2014, and which, by not being able to achieve the proposed political objectives, such as the installation in Ukraine of a pro-Russian ruler, breaks international law and militarily invades Ukrainian sovereignty.

The reaction of the West (USA–E.U.), was not in the Russian appreciation and for a year it has been faced with a resistance war that it cannot break. Over time, the Russian invasion has been confronted and stopped, Russia has been sanctioned by the Western world and at the same time it is seen that its main ally, China, is indirectly affected by not being able to advance with its Silk Road project towards Europe.The United States seeks the attrition of Russia through sanctions and the Ukrainian military resistance with Western equipment, the overproduction of the Russian military industry affected by the lack of raw materials and, probably illuminated by a larger target located in the Indo–Pacific referred to to maintain the condition of first world power; So is the Russia–Ukraine war a tributary war to a larger conflict in the Indo–Pacific?

Article Details

Sanz Jofré, J., Martínez Toro, J., & Ibáñez Guzmán, J. (2024). RUSSIA-UKRAINE: IS IT A PROXY WAR? . Politica Y Estrategia Journal, (142), 13-31.


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